Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Evidence that religion is in all television shows

As T.V. viewers many that have some kind of religious background can see trends or examples in their favorite TV shows, that an episode may relate to a spiritual experience between characters. Religion is portrayed in some way in television to kneeling on the ground asking God for help, having a change in heart towards someone and forgiving them allowing them to move forward in life. I think it captures the audiences in relation to the character and the relationship with God. If ninety-five percent of Americans indicate that they believe in some sort of God or Higher Power. It is only plausible that a well familiarized television series will have some kind of spiritual act or experience in the show that the audience can relate to. In the television series Touch By An Angel the shows was based on an actual angel coming into someones life to help them and to show them the way or path that God wants them to be on. The character Roma Downey is sent by God to bless the lives of others and she tells those she meets that God loves them and she was sent to help them with their trail the character is facing, helping them get on track the Lord wants them to be on.

It seems like practically every TV show out there has some affiliate to religion or pop culture and how it is common to pray to God or some kind of higher power to some, for guidance and help. I have seen countless times in many television series that the tough masculine guy when someone is hurt he loves that is when he will ask God to help the love one recover. The character usually says, I haven't done this much but I'm pretty much desperate at this point and I need your help. If you help I will change my life. From the media it shows that when it comes down to desperate measure the one who can help you the most if God. He is the only you that can truly save you. Religion is shown even in animated television shows including, the Simpsons with their neighbor the Flanders viewed as church goers who always when over their house is praying and reading the Bible. In the show on occasion it has shown Homer praying for help at a particular time when he was in need of some divine intervention.

I really believe religion is apart of the American culture even though many may not go to church each Sunday, or practice an organized religion. I think just through the media or I can say popular culture, that religion in some way affects everyone. Either in the decision one makes daily to judging others for their actions. If we just look at the laws in our government and the constitution a lot of it is based off the ten commandments of God. Through pop culture religion has become an identity for many Americans and who they are. I think that is why we have seen in many TV series some kind of religious innuendos through the characters monologue. Even an act of kindness or charitable act in a scene is some kind of religious prompting that many will feel good after watching.


1. Do you think popular culture in America has influenced many television shows to have some religious scene or monologue?

2. If a television show has a religious moment is it due to get higher ratings for the show, because many people know some kind of form of relgion?


  1. I think you make some very valid points in the fact that most television shows, whether or not we see it right away, have some aspect regarding religion. Religion is a major part of American culture, therefore, it would be appropriate to have aspects of it in television.

    I also thought it is interesting to note how many of the religious references are negative. It seems that it is more widely accepted these days to have a religious affiliation, however, not to be an active member. The popular teenage show "Gilmore Girls" followed the life of a mother and her daughter. When asked about religion in one of the episodes, they portrayed the idea that of course they believe in a higher power, but it is not something they practice. The way it was portrayed was that someone who does practice religion actively is too involved and therefore, not culturally accepted.

    Comments that are made negatively toward active religious believers shows that religion is definitely prevalent in television, however, it is not always prevalent in a positive light.

  2. I agree with what you are saying, especially as it relates to shows in the comedy genre. A lot of times we see shows where the writers have simply run out of material and they use religion to bail them out. After all, it is pretty easy to think up a joke or some form of skit that could take a humorous look at someone's beliefs. In answer to your first question, I think pop culture has pushed religion into television only as far as it has influenced the public's perception of humor.

    I don't think that religion is used in television shows with the purpose of improving ratings. This is because I don't feel like episodes or entire shows that feature religion are ever very popular. If you want to increase ratings there are easier topics to explore.
