Orthodox Judaism is the most rigorous type of Jewish worship. Those that decide to follow Orthodox Judaism follow a strict set of Laws that come from the Talmud. There are 613 laws that are to be followed and 13 principles of faith. Out of all of the religious worship in the world Orthodox Judaism is considered one of the strictest and consuming religions. It is not very often that one will here of an Orthodox Jew being a part of popular culture.
Matthew Paul Miller is an American born Jew that decided to conform to Orthodox Judaism around 2001. The thing that makes Matthew Paul Miller, also known as Matisyahu, so neat is that he is also a reggae musician. Starting in 2004 Matisyahu has been creating music that is fun to listen to but has religious themes throughout it. Matisyahu has been on tour with bands like 311 and Sting.
His song “Jerusalem” reads:
Jerusalem, if I forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
Jerusalem, if I forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.
(Above is the chorus)
In the ancient days, we will return with no delay
Picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
We've been traveling from state to state
And them don't understand what they say
3,000 years with no place to be
And they want me to give up my milk and honey
Don't you see, it's not about the land or the sea
Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty
Rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
Years gone by, about sixty
Burn in the oven in this century
And the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke me
I will not lie down, I will not fall asleep
They come overseas, yes they're trying to be free
Erase the demons out of our memory
Change your name and your identity
Afraid of the truth and our dark history
Why is everybody always chasing we
Cut off the roots of your family tree
Don't you know that's not the way to be
Caught up in these ways, and the worlds gone craze
Don't you know it's just a phase
Case of the Simon says
If I forget the truth then my words won't penetrate
Babylon burning in the place, can't see through the haze
Chop down all of them dirty ways,
That's the price that you pay for selling lies to the youth
No way, not ok, oh no way, not ok, hey
Aint no one gonna break my stride
Aint no one gonna pull me down
Oh no, I got to keep on moving
Stay alive
This is a popular song that is widely known around the world that promotes a lot of the religious beliefs of the Jewish people. The song talks a lot about the opposition that the Jews have had to face in their history. Times like the first and second destruction of their temple, the blood libels, and the Holocaust. The Jewish people have had to endure many dark times and this song is sung in remembrance to all of the hardship that the Jewish people had to go through and still continue to go through. Not only is this song, and others that he sings, a remembrance of hard times but it also promotes ideas like the building of a third Jewish temple.
While this song is a great way to honor the men and women that have come before and suffered through hard times I wonder if it is all positive. Matisyahu is a popular singer all over the world and the music that he is singing is obviously going to be pro Israeli. Will individuals that are not highly educated in affairs going on in the Middle East listen to Matisyahu songs and be persuaded to one side of the Israeli Palestinian issues? Is music able to really have that much of an impact on what people think? Does the agenda setting theory work when discussing music and popular culture?
To find more out about Matisyahu:
To find more out about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict: